Therapies in the School Annual Conference 2021

November 18-19, 2021 – Live Virtual Webinar

Early Bird Pricing: $339 ($100 discount) available until August 31st 2021
Use Code: Therapies2021
12 continuing education hours 1.2 CEUs

ERI is Excited to Offer Dynamic Topics Presented by Leading Experts at Annual Conference for School-Based Therapists!

Choose the track that best meets your needs!


As we emerge from the COVID 19 pandemic, we are re-imagining what participation and performance will look like for school-aged children and how our support today impacts each student’s long-term outcomes in life. 

At this year’s conference, we are excited to join together to deliver content that integrates what we have learned during COVID with our pre-COVID best practices. 

We are happy to share this early outline 


Thursday, November 18, 2021 Friday, November 19, 2021

Learn it Today, Use it Tomorrow: Practical Strategies to Facilitate Independent Executive Function Skills

Sara Ward, SLP

Praxis as a Whole Brain Process: How Neuroscience Informs Function

Teresa May Benson, OT

Breathing, Talking and Postural Control:  Why is This Relationship so Important for School-Based Therapists to Understand?

Trish West Low
Mary Massery, PT

Decisions for Today, Implications for Tomorrow: Long Term Outcomes Over the Life Span for Students with Special Needs.
Barbara Connolly, PT

Select From These Afternoon Sessions: Select From These Afternoon Sessions:

Get Moving!  Add Breathing Strategies to Movement for Improved Functional Outcomes

Trish West Low
Mary Massery, PT

Assessment of Sensory Processing Issues in High-risk Populations: Down Syndrome

Barbara Connolly, PT

School-Based Best Practices:
A Guide for Beginning Therapists

Susan Cecere, PT

Digital Tools: Promoting Efficiency for Both You and Your Students

Tim Richmond, OT

Evaluating School Participation: 
Revitalizing and Developing Your Process

Jan Hollenbeck, OT

Awareness of Self in Space: Impact on Motor Skills

Melissa Gerber and Josephine Bardebelias

Tools, Treatment and Accommodations

Teresa May Benson, OT

Fine Motor Skills and Tool Use:
Evaluation and Evidence-Based Intervention Strategies

Jan McCleskey, OT

Visual Impairments, Motor Skills and School Performance: CVI, ROP, ONH

Joanne Szabo, PT

Promoting Physical Activity & Learning Motor Skills: The Use of Adaptive Equipment in Schools

Lori Potts, PT


(This outline is subject to slight change)

We know that we need to look at the WHOLE child and consider areas that may have been overlooked or addressed less frequently in the past; the vestibular system, visual system, social/emotional (anxiety) impacts, breathing and more.  In addition, we are re-thinking and updating those areas we regularly address with children such as fine/gross motor skills and sensory processing and evaluations. 

We look forward to sharing this new knowledge and the excitement of being a school-based therapist as we emerge from this time of COVID with a renewed commitment to and enthusiasm for the children we support.    

To receive the finalized outline, brochure detailed pricing, CEU information! 
